Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random Stuff

One day while doing my homework I caame up with these, they are in the developing stages still but I thought I would type them out now.

Lately, I've been thinkin' maybe
Your'e the one who tells me how to respond
to everything I'm asked and everything I', not asked
You are the one who is controlling moi.
I just stand back to watch the show
progress in an orderly fashion.
I'll pop some popcorn and grab an Arnold
and watch you put on a show.

You think your'e fat, you think your'e fab
you think you're the hottest shit on the block
Sorry to tell you this but
New Kids already claimed that title

... so that is that :P It's kind of cocky and childish but I like it okay here is the other one

Bittersweet is the word I want to use
don't be thinkin' to obtuse
when it comes to us
I know the miles are far
and the conversation is short, baby
I wanna see you move closer to me
I wanna see you move closer to me

I'll prbly work on that one later, if I was musically inclined I would totally add some guitar to that . hmm whatever I am just gunna add on to it maybe tonight.

p.s. today is the day no one will ever forget 9/11/01. All day I have been watching stories about the accounts from this tragic day. Some days we forget about this day in history that changed our lives forever. My favorite quote that I heard today was from Conda Liza Rice and she said "After September 11th everyday was September 12th".


I saw this on someone else's blog and I thought it would be amusing and keep me from not doing my school work. So here it is, if I were to create the man of my dreams here is how he would be:

-He makes cute faces. (i.e. like scrunches it up when he is embarrassed or does a total face palm when he says something stupid)

-Doesn't text me 24/7 because that just gets repetitive and annoying.

-Has a goal in mind, in regards to his future.

-Has his own personality and doesn't try to mimic mine.

-He can make decisions for the two of us because God knows I can't.

-Doesn't want to kiss me every minute of everyday, or whenever in we are in public he has to be constantly holding my hand or have his arm around me. Sorry kids, I am not a big lover of excessive PDA.

-No we do not need to hangout every day, every other day is fine though.

-A phone is not used for JUST texting, you can call me to it's okay!

-Doesn't buy me gifts. (Is it weird I hate getting presents from people)

-Is as completely untraditional as I am, or will at least go along with it.

-Ummm, he should probably be an optimist because I find pessimistic are really a downer.

-Has his own hobbies and just things in general to do on his own so I am not his main time consumer.

-He has his own friends and own life separate from mine.

-Has a wonderful family that is just super goofy.

-Is a goof, who enjoys making inside jokes with me and laughing at anything and everything.

I could make this list go on forever and it already has occupied a good amount of my time so maybe I will add on later. :)