Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday 06/22/09

"It's funny how you can run threw the motions and feel little to nothing."

"and I knew I was loved when his heart started racing."

Thank God, I have my friends who have kept me grounded and sane threw all of "this". It's amazing how quick your feelings can change and how someone can pop in and out of your and all the pain from the past seems to slip away. Though, if it is my heart or soul that is making it this way I thank it because for once in a long while I feel like everything is starting to fit and I am seeing everyones purpose.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday 06/21/09

"I guess we all just need a break from people to see the good hidden within them."

"It was easy for me cause I'm and adult and things don't matter as much."

Thank god for nice, warm, sunny, weather so that my ghostly pale skin can slowly change to a a nice tan color. Also, pools are getting warm which means i will smell like chlorine till michigan decides to be bipolar again.